At Mark’s Mattress Outlet, we believe that great sleep is the foundation of good health. However, sleep isn’t a one-size-fits-all process—it changes with the seasons. As temperatures, daylight, and humidity fluctuate throughout the year, so too should your approach to getting quality rest.

Here are some seasonal sleep tips to ensure that you're getting the best rest possible, no matter the time of year.

Spring: Refresh Your Sleep Routine

Spring brings longer days and warmer temperatures, but it also ushers in allergens and disruptive light patterns. Here’s how to adapt:
  • Declutter and Deep Clean: Spring is known for cleaning, and your bedroom should be no exception. Dust mites and allergens can accumulate in mattresses and bedding. Consider using allergen-proof covers and regularly vacuuming your mattress.
  • Keep Cool: Temperatures begin to rise in spring. Ensure your mattress allows for proper airflow and use breathable bedding to prevent overheating at night.
  • Block Out Light: Longer days mean more sunlight, which can disrupt your sleep cycle. Invest in blackout curtains or a comfortable sleep mask to keep your room dark for restful slumber.

Summer: Beat the Heat for Cooler Sleep

Summer’s heat can make it tough to sleep comfortably. Here’s how to adjust your routine:
  • Use Breathable Bedding: Opt for lightweight, moisture-wicking sheets that help keep you cool, such as bamboo or cotton. Our mattress selection includes options designed for temperature regulation, like the Sleep Natural collection at Mark’s Mattress Outlet.
  • Adjust Your Sleep Schedule: The sun rises earlier and sets later, so consider adjusting your bedtime and wake-up time accordingly. Keeping your room cool (around 65°F) with fans or air conditioning will also help you sleep through hot nights.
  • Consider a Cooling Mattress: A mattress with cooling technology can make all the difference during summer. Check out our special deals on Sleep Natural mattresses, which are designed to keep you comfortable year-round.

Fall: Prepare for Cozy Sleep

As the temperatures cool and days get shorter, it’s time to shift into cozy mode:
  • Layer Up: Fall brings crisp, cool nights, perfect for layering your bedding. Switch to warmer sheets like flannel and layer blankets to adjust as temperatures drop.
  • Adjust Sleep Patterns: Shorter days might leave you feeling tired earlier. Embrace the season by winding down earlier in the evening and getting more sleep.
  • Warm Your Mattress: If you tend to get cold at night, consider using an adjustable base to elevate your feet, improving circulation and warmth. We offer adjustable bases FREE with every Sleep Natural mattress purchase, perfect for a cozy fall sleep.

Winter: Stay Warm and Sleep Soundly

Winter’s cold temperatures can disrupt your sleep if you’re not prepared. Here’s how to rest easy:
  • Keep Warm, But Not Too Warm: While it’s tempting to bundle up in heavy blankets, overheating can cause restless sleep. Opt for breathable materials, and try layering to find the perfect balance between warmth and comfort.
  • Maximize Darkness: The long nights of winter are ideal for getting extra sleep. Use blackout curtains to block out streetlights and moonlight, ensuring your room stays pitch black for uninterrupted rest.
  • Combat Dry Air: Winter air tends to be dry, which can irritate your skin and nasal passages, disrupting sleep. Use a humidifier in your bedroom to maintain moisture levels and breathe easier through the night.